Saturday, January 31, 2009


pointe-shoe toes and persistence
elevate her to apple level.
stubborn? no-
just healthy, obstinate curiosity.
grasped at last.
now, anything is possible.
she gazes unto the prize-
blood-red mystery, reflected self
distorted and winking
juicy heart pumping 
stares back. seduction!
not lust-
what a woman this is. 
firm crimson curves encasing the future.
through lips and
mammalian fangs,
through tracts and tunnels
long as life itself
the apple becomes you.
one bite is all it takes.
all or nothing now.
take me or leave me? 
total consumption is perilous 
throw the rest on the ground to rot,
and so will you.
now she knows.

(and they say gemini
is the least introspective!)

i will not rot.
i'll take it. roll up my sleeves
we shall see if i'm cut out for life's dirtiest job.

somewhere, dionysus smiles
twirls his winged staff
and smiles.

1 comment:

  1. Well, they say we are both gemini and we are both quite introspective!

    ahhhhhh. I love this section:

    "firm crimson curves encasing the future.
    through lips and
    mammalian fangs,
    through tracts and tunnels
    long as life itself
    the apple becomes you.
    one bite is all it takes.
    all or nothing now.
    take me or leave me?
    total consumption is perilous
    throw the rest on the ground to rot,
    and so will you.
    now she knows."

    Everything about those lines are simply amazing. I love it.

