Tuesday, March 31, 2009

dusty table

oh dusty table
how do you hold still those objects
collecting your dust?
how might you,
voiceless breathless inanimate
(less animate, anyway)
discard or eject them?
i imagine you would-
had you not been somehow doused
in the baptismal waters of inertia
destined for all time to relax only when the cynical eye is turned,
the untuned ear tuned out,
the murky muck of perception
has a moment of clarity 
and giggles right back at you.
oh dusty table
how do you hold still?

1 comment:

  1. I really dig the first part:

    "oh dusty table
    how do you hold still those objects
    collecting your dust?
    how might you,
    voiceless, breathless..."

    I love the question: "How do you hold still those objects collecting your dust."
    and then.
    "Voiceless, breathless" - ahhh.....

    And then:

    "the untuned ear tuned out,
    the murky muck of perception
    has a moment of clarity
    and giggles right back at you.
    oh dusty table
    how do you hold still?"

    First off, I like the word giggles. When I hear that word it makes my face do all sorts of funny things. lol I also like how you end it with a question. The last line is like a Zen Koan. How do you hold still? Just reading that made me feel very present. I love how words, although they are read in time can bring and embody

    a sense

    of stillness


    much Love
